Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Taking the Fear Out or Brewery Expansion presentation (55 minute video)

An Excellent Presentation by Keith Merklin of Live Oak Bank and others. The do's and don'ts of Expanding a Brewery also apply to you as you plan your start up craft brewery.
There is a 55 minute video, a PDF of the slides in the presentation, and links to resources.
Well worth an hour of your time.

Thanks to:
Keith Merklin, Live Oak Bank
Sam Holloway, Crafting a Strategy
Mark Moore and Brian Grafton, FMD Architects
Kelly TerWisscha, Terwisscha Construction

Click Here:

Taking the Fear Out of Brewery Expansion with Keith Merklin of Live Oak Bank

Contact me if you want to open a craft brewery in Los Angeles or Orange County
Mike Lanzarotta, NAI Capital Commercial Real Estate
Craft Brewery Real Estate Blog -
Cell 626 826 5586    Direct 626 204 1509